Cornersville, TN


Troop 273 will place a 3'X5' ft. American Flag mounted on a curbside pole during the following holidays: Patriots Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, Veterans Day, & Labor Day.
The flags will be put out in advance of the holiday and fly for multiple holidays during each time they are placed Several days after the holiday segment has ended, scouts will return to remove the flag.
1. First Placement for : Labor Day, Patriots Day, & Veterans Day.
2. Second Placement for: Memorial Day, Flag Day, & Independence Day
The Flag Code states “When a patriotic effect is desired, the flag may be displayed twenty-four hours a day if properly illuminated during the hours of darkness”. Direct lighting is not required. Street lights & security lights provide the indirect lighting to help us show our respect for the flag by enabling us to always see the flag when it is flying. We hope to eventually add direct lighting to each pole.
If you have questions or if your flag becomes worn or tattered please contact Troop 273 at TROOP273BSA@GMAIL.COM